Chiaroscuro Painting
Oil painting with the chiaroscuro technique illuminates the focus area with a strong light. All other areas are painted with less detail, lower values, and intensity of color giving a mysterious appearance. By putting one or two objects in the important focus area, a strong but simple composition will emerge. Combining these oil painting techniques with a selection of superior natural pigments and oil paints result in the beautiful and evocative quality known as Chiaroscuro Painting.
I am a beet fanatic! I like them roasted with a splash balsamic vinegar, salt & pepper, and just a touch of sugar. I think I read about this method in Chez Panisse. YUM!
Great work. Amazing talent. And I am not an art buff. Keep it up. Annie
Margret’s website gets more awesome with each entry. How great it is to watch the growth of such beauty. My hat is off to you and all those who support your passion.