What do Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, King Farouk, and Dave and Margret Short all have in common? We all sailed down the Nile while visiting the magnificent antiquities of Egypt……in a felucca!
This graceful sailing vessel is motor-less and relies on the Egyptian southerly winds to push it upstream. These winds build during the day and subside in the evening while the current of the river is used to sail downstream. There are 2 or 3 triangular shaped sails (lateen) which capture the optimum amount of wind for propulsion.
We sailed around an island in Aswan during a warm January afternoon watching the sun create long dark shadows across the dunes. Surely, sultans, emirs, pashas, and Cleopatra all did the same.
Greetings from iPod. Back from NE & NC with sister. Duke wants to see her again. No guarantee but promising.
Am fighting a cold. Hope to be normal soon.