It quickly became very clear over the months of planning that it would take a huge amount of work, resources, and delegating to present an exhibit such as Lessons from the Low Countries. I knew it was important to employ the expertise of reliable companies with excellent reputations.
After much searching, I found the perfect frame supplier with all of the above qualities, Katayama Framing, located right here in Portland, Oregon. With one phone call to Marilyn Murdock, I was assured Katayama could meet my needs with several Dutch period reproduction styles from which to choose.
Ultimately, four styles were selected, including the one shown here. We decided the blue was a little too strong so the craftspeople there masked it over with just the perfect amount of gray/black tones.
The Katayama crew was splendidly helpful and professional and all 16 frames were beautifully made to my exact specifications, all with plenty of time to spare. The other three styles are black with just bits of red or gold showing through. Guests at the reception were most complimentary of all the selections. Thank you, Marilyn, Michael, and all the crew for helping make my exhibit perfect.